3 reasons why you should not ignore the marketing power of custom stickers


Are you looking to start a new business in 2021? Or do you have some significant growth targets that you’re trying to meet?

We want to share some ideas for how your growth can snowball in 2021, taking you to new heights. 

These ideas all share a common theme – custom printed stickers.

Why focus on stickers? What’s special about them!?

Stickers are a powerful way to build your business due to two main reasons:

  1. They are not perceived to be advertising. Giving people a sticker in the appropriate circumstances will mean they see it as a gift.
  2. They are low cost – helping you get a massive return on investment.

Gift giving is a well-practised sales tactic in many industries – for example, charitable donating. Due to social psychology’s rule of reciprocity, the receiver feels compelled to reciprocate. Returning the favour can mean many things, including a purchase, a social media post or something else.

Reddit is a model example of how stickers can propel you. They spent $500 on marketing, all of it on stickers. Pretty impressive for a company valued at $1.8bn in 2017. 

And stickers are used by startups worldwide.

custom stickers

Considering all of this, adding custom printed stickers with all your orders seems an obvious choice.

Because stickers are such a low-cost (they can be literally only a few pennies each) putting them in with your orders really is a no brainer. Hence massive, successful brands like Apple include stickers with their products.

Another idea is to run Instagram or TikTok giveaways. This works especially well if you struggle with visual content for your brand – like a software product, or if you don’t ship products regularly.

Many brands use giveaways to grow their following and stickers are one of the best. They don’t cost a lot but have incredible visual appeal, so work brilliantly on these types of platforms. 

Finally, we find stickers are excellent for guerilla marketing.

Guerilla marketing is where you use unconventional ideas to promote your product or service.

There are endless ways stickers can help your next guerilla marketing campaign – some are absolutely incredible. We highly recommending Googling a few.

Here is one idea to get your creativity working that wouldn’t cost much more than £10.

custom stickers for your business

These are two simple, die-cut stickers that get stuck to the front doors. The emotion and I bet when you walk in, we know which beer you’ll be choosing!

We hope you have found these ideas useful. We’d love to hear how you plan to use custom stickers in 2021 to grow your brand.

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